Amethyst Pendulum

Amethyst Pendulum

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Amethyst Pendulum 

Prepare for your pendulum session by setting the mood. While you can use your pendulum without any special preparation, creating a ritual can enhance the experience. Consider playing soothing music, lighting candles, cleansing the space with sage, and inhaling some calming essential oils.

Take a moment to bring out your pendulum and establish a connection with it. Some people like to hold it to their hearts before beginning. Remember to take a deep breath to relax your mind, as a calm state makes it easier to connect with your intuition.

Before you start asking your questions, determine how your pendulum responds to "yes" and "no". Hold it 6-8 inches above your palm and ask simple questions with known answers to observe its movements. Typically, a circular swing indicates a "yes" response, while a back-and-forth motion represents a "no". If the pendulum's movements are unclear or erratic, it may mean the answer is not straightforward.

Focus on your question and vocalize it. Hold the pendulum over your hand and watch how it moves in response to your inner guidance. Stick to asking only yes or no questions to receive clear answers from your crystal pendulum.